Introduction to the INTEGRATE for Wood Burning Fireplaces 

The INTEGRATE Fireplace Grate with Mechanically Suspended Catalytic Device allows the homeowner to install the catalytic device in one easy operation by replacing their existing grate with the patented INTEGRATE System from Healthy Hearth. The installation of the HearthCAT converts a conventional wood burning fireplace into an EPA Phase 2 Qualified Fireplace. Buy a HearthCAT.

This System allows the catalytic unit to be positioned on top of the INTEGRATE structure which is attached to the back of the new grate and easily positioned within the fireplace firebox for efficient catalytic operation. The height adjustments of the INTEGRATE System allow the homeowner to install the emission control device in the proper position for safe and efficient use. Call our office at 951-264-8725. Thank You!

SAFETY WARNING: It is very important to monitor for any smoke spillage from the fireplace after the installation. If any spillage occurs you should ventilate the room and allow the fire to go out. Contact a chimney sweep for technical assistance.

The HearthCAT™ Emission Control Technology is a unique catalytic system designed and developed especially for open wood burning fireplaces. 

The HearthCAT™ unit is positioned directly above the fire and is suspended in the firebox on the patented INTEGRATE System.   The HearthCAT™ doesn't require any power or maintenance. It is a totally passive device.

The HearthCAT™ System provides secondary ignition for the wood smoke before it leaves the firebox as harmful pollution. The direct flame on the catalytic surface actually cleans the catalytic system. The HearthCAT™ Technology is the only passive system available for reducing fireplace emissions and improving fireplace heating efficiency.

Your wood burning fireplace is equipped with a standard wood burning grate. It must be removed prior to the installation of the INTEGRATE System. The HearthCAT cannot be connected to your existing grate.

    Begin with the New Grate  ______________________________________________
You must remove your old grate before installing the INTEGRATE System.

The INTEGRATE System is comprised of 5 separate components not including the emission control device. The INTEGRATE System components include a modified wood burning fireplace grate, two pieces of 7/8" steel square hollow channel with set screws attached and two pieces of 7/8” steel square stock  with 90 degree bends on one end for supporting the emission control device. The modified grate has 7/8" square stock welded to the back to support the two pieces of square hollow channel
    Install the Uprights  _____________________________________________________
The modified grate should be placed directly in front of the fireplace opening with the taller uprights in the back. Those uprights will support the square hollow sections.

The two pieces of square hollow sections should now be installed on the back of the modified grate to support the structure of the INTEGRATE System. The set screws should be facing out on each side.
    Install the Supports  ____________________________________________________

After connecting the channel sections with an interference fit, the 7/8" square stock with 90 degree bends should be inserted in the top of the channel sections. The set screws should be open all the way. The INTEGRATE is now in its lowest position setting.

The INTEGRATE System is now assembled and ready for positioning of the Emission Control Device.There are no mechanical fasteners required for this assembly.

Insure that the set screws are fully opened and the supports are in their lowest position.

    Adjust the Supports  ____________________________________________________

The height of the INTEGRATE System can be adjusted depending on the height of the firebox. The adjustment range of the INTEGRATE System allows for safe and effective installation in 36", 42" and 48" wood burning fireplaces. However, there are some 36" fireplace models with smaller fireboxes that will not accommodate the installation of the INTEGRATE System.

NOTE: The height of the fireplace opening should be a minimum of 24" to install the INTEGRATE.

     Position the HearthCAT  _________________________________________________
The INTEGRATE System is now assembled and ready for positioning of the Emission Control Device.The catalytic emission control device is NOT mechanically connected to the INTEGRATE SYSTEM. The unit simply rests on the top of the suspension system.

There are two locating surfaces in the HearthCAT hood for positioning the hood on the INTEGRATE. The 90 degree bends on the top of the INTEGRATE structure should be positioned onside of the locating surfaces in the hood.

No other connections are necessary. You can now slide the assembled unit into the fireplace.
     Position the INTEGRATE in the Fireplace  _________________________________
The With the two set screws on the channels fully open, the assembled INTEGRATE System is at its lowest position. In this position, the assembled unit should be inserted into the fireplace opening. Once the assembly is in the firebox of the wood burning fireplace, it should be positioned against the back wall and centered in the firebox from side-to-side.

Now, with the set screws loose, the top assembly with catalytic system in place should be elevated until it is at least 1" above the fireplace opening or until it makes contact with the top structure of the fireplace with the damper in the open position. Now the set screws should be tightened. The installation is now complete. Make sure that the fireplace damper is still operational.

NOTE: It is important that the grate be positioned in the very back of the firebox against the backwall.

    Congratulations! Your Fireplace is now EPA Phase II Qualified  _________________

With the INTEGRATE System installed and the EPA Qualified Emission Control Device in place, the wood burning fireplace is now EPA Phase II Qualified and ready for efficient catalytic operation.


The homeowner can display the EPA Hangtag that officially designates the wood burning fireplace as an EPA Phase II Qualified unit.

When using the fireplace for the first time after installation of the emission control system, insure that you follow the SAFETY WARNING below: Return to Home Page.

SAFETY WARNING: It is very important to monitor for any smoke spillage from the fireplace after the installation. If any spillage occurs you should ventilate the room and allow the fire to go out. Contact a chimney sweep for technical assistance.